This year has been tough; but 7 Good Things About Dating this 2020! It’s not only the economy that has suffered from the impact of COViD, but relationships (romantic or not) are collateral damage as well. This pandemic has changed the landscape of dating and intimate relationships, given the safety protocols that need to be followed.


Some even suggested wearing a mask while having sex to prevent the transmission of the virus!


If people used to be a go-getter before, now we have to include safety in the equation. You’ll have to think about getting infected or infecting your date. And while quarantine dating or now termed as “quadrating” sounds like it is such, there are still some advantages that you can get out of it.


1. Removing People Who Are Not Interested


With everyone being at home (literally), excuses are running low for those who are not interested in you. One can no longer say they had a night out with friends; that’s why they were not able to reply to you. This gives you a clearer picture than they are uninterested.


So, if someone is not very responsive in Bumble or Tinder, then you know what it means. It might be hurting your ego, but at least you won’t be on false pretended.


2. You Have a Legitimate Excuse to Stop Talking to Someone, too


It works for you, as well. If you are not interested in someone, then you can always say the situation is just not conducive for dating. You can tell them your dating game has been affected with what’s happening right now and you want a break. They’ll understand, but we would never recommend that you ghost someone. Don’t be mean to deserve that suddenly. People are anxious during this time, so don’t add up to that.


3. You Can Take It Slow


Pre-pandemic times, dating apps have been tagged as hookup sites. People sift through everyone else’s profile, looking for that person they’d want to speed the night with. And because of the “no commitment, just sex” thing, everything can move too fast – that is from one person to another.


If you have a hopeless romantic bone in your body and you are someone looking for more than just a hookup, then this pandemic might help you look and have helped you in some way. It has forced people to take things slow. And with this “slowness” comes more time for you to get to know each other more.


4. No Need to Worry About How You Look


Have you ever experienced overthinking what you should wear on your first date? Have you spent hours preparing for it? Well, that’s one less worry for you now. With FaceTime or Zoom dates becoming the new normal, you might even look attractive without your makeup on. Oh, and no need to wear perfume because they won’t smell you from the other side of the line.


5. You Can Save Up Money


Since you don’t go out, you are saving a lot of money here—no need to buy new clothes, new plants, now new nothing. You don’t have to pay for dinner or drinks. You can maybe take this time to ponder on how much you spend for dates (you might be surprised!).


6. Building Up the Excitement


As they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder. It’s not exactly like this for two people who haven’t met each other yet, but it will excite your first meeting, which makes it more significant.


Unlike before, when you can conveniently meet right off after you match, now, you are building up your first meeting to be meaningful. And since we’re taking things slowly here, that can also mean “meetups” will now be for people you like.


7. Immediately Having Something in Common


This virus gives everyone a story to tell. This becomes an immediate common ground for you to talk about. Of course, you don’t have to talk about it all time, but it can be a topic for your small talk.
COViD has changed the dating scene too. It has its downsides, but it has taught us to slow down as well. Whatever it may be, be safe (and we don’t mean the condoms this time).


What do you think about these 7 Good Things About Dating this 2020? For more great dating advice and articles please visit us here at Local NYC often!

Author: Blogger