Do you have a money tree plant or thinking about getting one? Then better know how to take care of it because legend says it will bring great wealth to those who own it.


The Pachira Aquatica, otherwise known as the Money Tree Plant, grows in the swamps of Central and South America. They can grow up to 60 feet in the wild but can also grow as a bonsai tree or indoor plant because it’s easier to maintain that way.


Feng Shui believers believe that the Money Tree Plant creates positive energy (chi). The trunks of the money plant are braided together to “lock in” luck and fortune.


Money Tree Plant Care Guide


Continue reading and learn more about how to grow your money tree.


Plant Care Instructions for Your Money Tree



Your money tree needs a temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit, so it won’t matter if you place it inside or outside as long as the environment meets the temperature requirement. Keep your Money Tree out of drafty areas. It will also need a lower temperature during winter because it will be hibernating.




Your Money Tree loves moisture, but it doesn’t need to be over moist. If you over-water your plant, then its roots will rot. Be careful not to wet the stems as well.


From spring to autumn, you can water it once a week and make sure to remove excess water that gathers in the saucer. The top few inches must be dry before you water it again.. It is best to use rainwater (if there’s rain in your area). But in the absence of it, you can use distilled water.


If the leaves of your Money Tree are drying and dropping, then it means you’re over-watering it.




Too much will burn the leaves of your Money Tree Plant so it would be best to put it in half-shade or indirect sunlight. If you want to keep it in direct sun during the summer season, don’t do it abruptly as it will burn the leaves.


Since the Money Tree Plant grows towards the light, turn the plant occasionally for asymmetrical growth.


The Money Tree Plant also loves fluorescent light; that’s why it is a common choice for an office plant.




Use a peat moss-based soil for your Money Tree Plant because they need a highly nutritious substrate. A regular cactus or flower soil is okay to use, too.


Your pot needs good drainage, so choose a container with drainage holes. You can add some sand and gravel to it so it will drain well.

Take some precaution, too. Soggy soil is the most common reason the plant dies, so make sure you don’t overpot.




If you have a bonsai version, fertilize it two to three times a year.


If you want to have the full Tree, you’ll have to fertilize it every two weeks during spring and summer using a half-diluted liquid fertilizer. Putting fertilizing sticks in the soil is also okay.


Just like watering, over-fertilizing should be avoided.




This plant grows better in high humidity. During winter, when the air in your house is dry, add some gravel and water in the saucer to increase humidity. You can mist the leaves frequently to achieve this as well.




Money Tree Plants are usually sold in small pots, so it is advised that you repot it after you buy it. Small pots are the only reason why it is not growing into a full tree.


Repot your Money Tree Plant again only when the roots have outgrown its container. Not to worry, though, because it only happens every few years.


If you are looking at growing your plant larger, then choose a larger pot. Spring is the best time to do your repotting.




Once the trunks are braided, it will continue to grow that way, and it needs occasional trimming to keep it in place.


If you are growing this plant indoors, pruning is essential because that’s how you keep it small. You don’t have to worry if your Money Tree Plant loses its shape after pruning because it resprouts quickly. You can shorten the shoots or cut them right below the leaf axil.


Just like repotting, spring is also the best time for pruning.


Money Tree Plant


S if you didn’t know about the Pachira aquatica before, or even if you do have one, we hope this plant care guide has helped you learn some new ways of caring for your Money Tree!

Author: Blogger