COVID-19 is changing the way we live. Because of the pandemic, everyone has been urged to practice social distancing and to stay inside until the number of cases goes down and becomes more containable.


Because of this, we’ve seen the rise in popularity and demand for telehealth, bit only in New York but in other cities as well. The idea of telehealth may sound like a new idea for some, but it has been around for a while.


With this in mind, let’s talk about what telehealth is, why it’s essential, and everything you need to know about it.


What is telehealth?


Telehealth, for people that don’t know, is just a quicker alternative of getting a check-up or consultation. It’s broader than that, but we’ll get into the specifics later.


This is specifically aimed at not only monitoring the patients while they’re at home but also being “ at arm’s reach” if a patient needs diagnosis or consultation. During times like this, when going outside to get a check-up is dangerous; getting a diagnosis and consultation is live-saving.


Imagine feeling off one morning or having symptoms but not having to go to the hospital to get a check-up. All you have to do is hop on a call with a doctor and diagnose you from there. In a time where staying inside can save lives, this is huge.


How Does Telephonic Evaluation Work?


Ever since March, Medicaid has begun to reimburse telephonic evaluation. But how does it work?


Telephonic evaluation works by giving medical management service to established patients. This is only possible when face to face evaluation is deemed unnecessary, and the diagnosis and consultation can be made on the phone.


This can also be applied during times when movement outside is limited because of COVID-19, where everyone is urged to isolate. In situations where a face-to-face visit can’t happen, telephonic evaluation is necessary to keep the patient in check.


How Broad is Telehealth?


Telehealth, especially in New York, has an incredibly wide range of services that you can avail in. You can ask for a variety of professionals from physicians to therapists to even midwives and even pediatricians. The list keeps on growing as well!


It doesn’t stop there either. Telehealth isn’t just about going into call with a professional and getting a diagnosis. Some professionals can conduct consultations, therapy, and even prescriptions!

In New York, there aren’t any restrictions when it comes to online prescription, either. This helps hospitals a lot because it lessens the load and stress that the health workers go through.


Telehealth also makes it so that monitoring the mental and physical health of the patients becomes a lot easier. Especially for older people who have to take medicine and check-up frequently.

Also for people who can’t go to their psychiatrist or therapist to cope with their mental problems.


Because you don’t have to physically endanger yourself by going outside and getting a face to face check-up, it helps lessen the possible carrier of COVID-19 in your city. You not only keep yourself safe but also the people around you!


Telemental Health – how Badly Do We Need It?


The option of talking to a psychiatrist online through telephonic services has only recently been approved. This is a massive step of progression in New York because the officials are finally seeing how essential psychiatrists and therapists are.


When there’s already a shortage of psychiatrists in a time where mental health service needs to be uplifted, the need for accessibility is raised.


If some areas in New York have a shortage of psychiatrists, people in those areas are kept in the dark. This is important to address, especially now that morale is at an all-time low because of COVID-19.

Reaching out to a psychiatrist through telephonic medical services may be the only way that some people can help. Not to mention the fact that it may be the only way they get help without the risk of COVID-19.


Psychiatrists are now able to keep an eye on their patients and give them sessions or consultations online. They can even provide them with prescriptions, and the patients can reach out to them with a click of a button.


Even after the pandemic, telemental health will still be able to save people and give them accessibility.


How Does This Change Healthcare in New York?


The availability of telehealth is the start of on-demand healthcare. With telehealth growing and expanding, it gives citizens the chance to get a professional consultation, even prescription and even prescription on the fly.


Although telehealth and telephonic evaluations don’t seem like much of a breakthrough, it is a big deal. What we’re bringing to the table are accessibility and availability.


This won’t replace face to face check-ups and doctor’s appointments. Even though consultations through telephonic evaluations are useful, they can be inaccurate and less detailed.


A physical check-up will still be better if it’s available. In cases where these check-ups aren’t available, however, telehealth becomes a big deal.


Telehealth, whether you like it or not, has made a significant impact on the development of the health industry. And it will continue to do so as well in the future. Having a professional at reach with a click of a button is fantastic and can even save lives.


It may not be a cure to an incurable disease, nor is it a giant breakthrough in medical research. However, telehealth is incredibly cost and time-efficient for both hospitals and civilians alike.


No more having to set up a check-up for simple stomach ache that you can get a consultant to through telephonic evaluation.


Telehealth is still in the works and is trying to be improved. However, this is still a step in the right direction for the medical industry as a whole.

Author: Blogger