When you feel like we don’t have control over a situation, we start to worry. Having no control would mean uncertainty in the outcome, and worrying too much about it usually eats us up. Stop Worrying – 5 Steps You Can Do to Take Care of Your Mental Health!


To address this uncertainty and lack of control, we try to find ways to control the situation more. But with your worries at tow, you might end up failing, and this will push you to worry even more. It’s a vicious cycle that is difficult to break.


Worrying about things you don’t have control of will only drain you mentally. It can also push you to toxic habits like blaming yourself all the time or losing trust towards people.


We understand that worrying can be a painful emotion to deal with, but there are some ways to go around it.


Be More Realistic About The Thing You Can and Cannot Control


There are times when we worry about things that are out of our control. For example, the state of the economy or other people’s behavior toward us.


To tame your anxiety, you must start accepting that there are things that we don’t have control of. For example, you can provide all the tools your employee’s needs, but it is still no guarantee that they will be productive. There might be other external factors that affect their productivity, which is not within your control.


You have to strike a healthy balance when it comes to control and learn to identify what things are within your reach. Practice asking yourself, “Is this something I can solve?” If it’s a yes, work on doing something to address it. But if it’s not. Learn to accept it.


To further help you with this, you try a new hobby or learn the art of meditation.


Schedule Your Worry Time


Studies have shown that this method is effective. You have to schedule a time within the day for you to worry. Let’s say you schedule 15 minutes a day. During this time, you can worry all you want.


But beyond this time frame, you should try not to worry about anything. This can help you function more and be more productive for the rest of the day. Not being able to control your worries can leave you immobile, so doing this on a schedule might help.


We advise, though, not to do it before you go to bed as it might result in difficulty sleeping.


Learn When to Disconnect


Everything is accessible with just a touch of our fingertips. With this, it can be tempting to scroll our day on our Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram timeline, which is unhealthy.


A study conducted by Anxiety UK found out that some people feel worried or uncomfortable if they take time off from using or opening their email or Facebook. The result shows that we are becoming dependent on these platforms, and, at some point, it is already controlling our lives.


The best way to establish boundaries and control is for us to unplug. You can choose to exercise, learn a new hobby, spend more time with the people around you, or even just read a book that wonders your mental health.


Make Your Mental Muscle Stronger


Building your mental muscle means being able to tame your worries better. You can do so by focusing on things that can deviate from thinking about things that make you worry. You can increase your chance of being happy or concentrate on being successful.


Remember, you cannot control everything around like the weather, economy, and people’s behavior. When you stop worrying about these things, you can focus your energies on something you have control of.


Meditate or Get your Hands Dirty


We’ve mentioned this is in the first step, but we’d like to highlight some of the positive effects of meditation. Meditation or the zen that we undergo when meditating helps our brain cope with anxiety.


Meditation is a useful tool to train our brains. Specifically, it has a positive effect on the anterior cingulate cortex and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex of our brain that controls our emotions and thinking.


If you’re not into meditation, you can engage in distracting your mind by keeping your hands busy. If you’re doing something, like stitching, writing, or cooking, you’re helping your brain by interfering with the stored and enclosed visual signals that make you worry.


Try these steps now and be worry-free! For more articles like Stop Worrying – 5 Steps You Can Do to Take Care of Your Mental Health be sure to visit our health & fitness guides each day!

Author: Blogger