One Sauce to Rule them All – Easy Sauce Recipe for Almost Everything!


Asian cuisine is about as versatile as it gets, and we love it. Give us anything from fried rice to sushi to noodles to even meat buns, and we’ll clean the plate. The complexity and depth of the flavors in Asian cuisine got us hooked. However, without a sauce to pair it up with, it doesn’t feel complete.


Unlike sauces in other forms of cuisine wherein there are thousands of different varieties ranging from creamy to sweet to savory, Asian-style sauces tend to have similar primary flavors.


This soft and sour Asian-style sauce is so versatile that you can probably fit the taste of whatever Asian dish that you’d want to add a sauce too!


One Sauce to Rule them All


Here’s the only sauce recipe you’ll ever need for the rest of your life.



Adjust the amount based on how much you’re going to make, and these measurements make a medium-sized bowl worth of sauce.

  • ½ tablespoon of red chili sauce
  • 1 tablespoon of tomato sauce
  • 1 tablespoon of cornflour
  • ½ tablespoon of honey
  • 1 finely chopped onion
  • 3-4 crushed garlic cloves
  • 2 tablespoons of soy sauce
  • ½ tablespoon of vinegar

How To Make The Sauce


To start, heat a pan and saute your onions and garlic for around 2 minutes or until the onion turns light brown. Next, in a bowl, whisk together the chili sauce, soy sauce, and honey to make a smooth paste and then add it into the pan with the sauted onions and garlic. Then, add cornflour to ¼ cup of water and insert it into the pan to make the mixture thicker, saute this for about a minute or two.


Lastly, add some more water in and boil the sauce to reduce, and it thickens. We want to do this so that the flavors get more depth and become more developed. Adjusting the seasoning to your liking is also essential in the last step. If you want it to have more spice, add chili flakes. If you want it to be sweeter, add honey.


Using And Storing The Sauce


This sweet and sour sauce is the perfect dip or pairing with most Asian dishes. You can use it on dumplings, add it in noodle broth, or even use it to make delicious fried rice! The way you use it is really up to you, but we recommend using it as a sauce dip or a massive flavor bomb for light broths.


The level of depth that this can bring to your broths and soups is insane, and it can turn the simplest of noodle dishes into a noodle dish full of intense flavors!

Using this as a dipping sauce for dumplings or meat buns is excellent because of the tangy flavors and that slight kick from the chills.


You can make this sauce in bulk and keep using it if you refrigerate it properly in a jar or an airtight seal. However, if you want to make huge batches of these that can last you a month, we recommend using the ice tray method!


Make a big pot of sauce and then freeze it in ice trays. The sauce will then be the shape of smaller ice cubes that you can then break off the ice tray and transfer to a zip lock bag.

Next time you want to have a quick and easy sauce or something to dip dumplings in, get a few cubes of sauce from the pack and microwave it for a few seconds and voila!


Add in a couple of drops of Worcestershire sauce after microwaving the cubes, and it’ll taste as good as new even if it’s been frozen for a couple of weeks!


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Author: Blogger