As a game that started as a pay-to-play in 2017, Destiny 2 has made quite a few changes. Most importantly, they opened themselves to many more players after switching to free-to-play in 2019.

New Light, the free-to-play version, has had a lot of conflicting opinions on it, and we’ll be discussing that further in this video.

The Introduction

Obviously, New Light’s core gameplay, mechanics, and story will generally be the same as the paid version, but there are significant differences in other aspects. For example, in New Light, you start at a high enough Power level that you can get a decent introduction to the game. However, they condense the story quite a lot, making for an overwhelming introduction.

The introduction is one of the heavily criticized aspects of the game, with most new players trying it out feeling extremely off.

The Locations

You’re still going to be able to travel to every planet and hub in New Light just as you are in the paid version, but not everything will be accessible to you. DLC areas like Mars, the Moon, the Dreaming City, and the European Dead Zone are all still available too.

However, missions like the Last Wish raid and Shattered Throne dungeon in The Dreaming City are missions you won’t be able to access if you’re playing the free version.

In-Game Events

In-Game events are one of the few things that add constant excitement to Destiny 2 aside from its campaign. New Light players will be able to participate in seasonal events like Iron Banner, Festival of the Lost, and the Dawning.

Though there is a possibility that some of the experience will be restricted for New Light players in the future, let’s hope that doesn’t happen.

The Overall Experience

Overall, there have been both positive and negative sentiments regarding the game’s free version. One of the most common sentiments is that the free-to-play version feels more like an extended demo version of the game. You’ll be able to get a sense of the gunplay and loot-chasing aspects, but that’s most of what you’ll get.

The endgame content in VoG and Prophecy is a decent addition that’s available, but the experience will definitely be better with the paid version. In an attempt to make the game feel less dragging, some players ended up spending anyways, defeating the purpose of the free-to-play version.

What do you think? Is New Light worth the cost? Or is spending for the paid version the right choice? Comment down below and let us know.

Author: Carol