Everyone wants a healthy relationship these days, but who doesn’t? After all, nothing beats a healthy and stable relationship where everyone is happy, and there’s nothing to worry about. However, not everyone knows—or at least wants—to put in the work for a successful relationship.

In this video, we’ll discuss the secret recipe to a successful relationship.


Yes, we know it’s cliche, but there’s a reason why every single one of these videos always starts with communication. Communication is essential to all relationships, not just romantic ones.

Most people aren’t used to being open and honest about their feelings and their wants, and that ruins the relationship. They start being secretive, keep their partners in the dark, and worst of all, keep all their pent-up feelings inside until one day they just get up and leave because they’re so drained and tired because they chose not to talk about it.

Communication is 75% of the relationship, and if you don’t want to put in the work, to be honest and to communicate, you shouldn’t be in a relationship.


As part of communication, appreciation is very important in the relationship. Being able to look at your partner for the things they did for you and being grateful for it is a very important aspect of the relationship.
Being thankful for the efforts that they make, the gifts that they give, and the way they treat you—AND communicating it to them is key to a successful relationship.


On the other hand, supporting your partner at all times is also essential. Whether it’s in their everyday life and the things they’re striving for or in their achievements throughout the years where they want to be appreciated the most, this is very important.

Supporting them in times of hardships and difficulties is also very important. Keeping the boat afloat and steady while the other can’t will help keep the boat reach its destination.


With all of that being said, a relationship will get nowhere without trust. A healthy relationship requires mutual trust between both partners. This is where communication, appreciation, and support can all thrive.

Working on trust can be difficult if you’ve been hurt in the past by other partners, or especially if it’s your current partner who’s broken it. However, it’s not impossible. If you put in the work and they put in the extra effort as well, you’ll definitely find a way to make things work.

Whatever challenge you’ll face, so long as you trust each other and you trust each other to make the right decision for the relationship, a healthy relationship is attainable.

Author: Carol