With so many things you can explore in the world, unique and peculiar destinations to visit are so underrated.
In this video, we’ll be listing down five weird places you should consider visiting.

1. Lake Natron

If you’re looking for a Tim Burton-esque location in real life, Lake Natron and its numerous mummified creatures are the place to visit.
The scariest lake in the world, located in Tanzania, is named that thanks to the abundant presence of sodium bicarbonate, creatures that die in this lake are almost always guaranteed to calcify. Once they calcify, they’ll stay that way unless people or nature messes with them.

2. Slope Point

Slope Point is considered one of the windiest areas in the world. This has resulted in a group of trees and plants growing in weird, twisted shapes.
Because of the wind, using the lands for agriculture is pretty much impossible, so they used it for tending sheep. Slope Point is located in New Zealand.

3. Spotted Lake Khiluk

Another lake on this list, Lake Khiluk is also a must-visit. Thanks to it being the most mineralized lake in the world, it isn’t the typical type of lake one would expect. In fact, it’s closer to a cluster of puddles of water than a lake.
According to the locals, each of the 365 pools of water contain different concentrates of chemicals that they claim can cure different diseases. While there isn’t concrete proof on that matter, it’s still a cool place to visit.

4. Dead Vlei

Taken directly from its name, Dead Vlei, which literally means dead marsh, is a place that looks almost alien. Everything is dried up in dead vlei, and all the trees are dead.
This has resulted in quite a weird appearance for the place, a dried-up marsh surrounded by almost bright orange sand dunes.

5. Underwater Park

Last but not least, this lake in Austria is another one worth visiting. Named an underwater park, for a reason, this lake literally has a park that goes underwater annually. This happens during spring when the tide rises, and everything is submerged in water.
If you’re looking to visit it at its best, April to May is your best bet. To get there, you’ll need to fly to Vienna, take a train to Bruck an der Mur, and take a 35 minute bus ride to the lake.

What do you think of these weird places? Will you consider visiting them soon? Comment down below and let us know!


Author: Carol