Can’t Sleep? Are you one of those people who envy others because they can sleep a few moments after getting bed? If that’s a yes, then know that you’re not the only one. There might be more people experiencing this now, especially with different anxiety-including news we hear every day.


In fact, the journal Sleep Medicine reported last June that there is a 37% increase in clinical insomnia rates among adults in China from before the pandemic. To help you fall asleep faster and increase your sleeping time, then we have a solution for you: exercise. Stretching and meditative exercise before bed elicit relaxation and flood your body with calming hormones that can help you sleep.


Can’t Sleep? These Exercises Might Help!


If you can’t sleep, you can sleep better tonight by doing these exercises. For more ways to stay healthy be sure to check out our other health & fitness articles.


Cat/Cow Position


Shift between the cat and cow yoga position to release upper-back and neck tension. It also helps in synchronizing your breath and movement that helps you calm your mind and body.


To do the cat/cow position, do the tabletop position on the floor. Place your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. As you inhale, drop your belly, press your chest forward, and lookup. As you exhale, tuck your chin towards the chest and round your spine.

Do this in three to five breaths.


Child’s Pose


The child’s pose position is a very calming position that helps you release tension in your back and shoulders.


Starting with a tabletop position, move your hips to your heels and settle your chest in between your thighs. Your big toes must be touching each other, but your knees should be far apart. Walk your hands in front of you and stretch your arms. Rest your forehead on the ground.


Thread the Needle


Thread the Needle position allows you to release shoulder tension and loosen your lower back.


Start in a tabletop position. Place your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. As you inhale, move your right arm upwards with palms facing away from your body.


As you exhale, sweep the right arm under your chest and rest your shoulder on the ground. Then, move the right palm towards the sky and go back to the original position. Do the same to the other side.


Low Lunge


Low lunges open up your muscle. It is the deepest muscle in the core that connects the spine to your legs.


Do the tabletop position. Step your right foot forward between your hands and move your left knee far behind you. Keep your hands on the floor, framing the foot, or place them on your front knee. Take five to ten breaths in this position before you switch to the other leg.


Neck Massage with Balls


The Neck massage with balls helps release neck tension and helps stimulate the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is the driving force behind the parasympathetic nervous system, which would impact sleep and mood.


To do this position, you have to come down to your back with a yoga block or thick book under your head. Turn your head to the right and place the ball on your upper neck, just behind your ears.


Taking five deep breaths is this position. Then nod yes and no three to four times. Do the same on the other side.


Figure-Four Stretch


The figure-four stretch is also known as the “supine pigeon” yoga pose. It relieves tension in your lower back and counteracts too much of your poor sitting and posture the whole day.


To do this position:

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor.
  • Cross the right foot over your left thigh, just above your knee.
  • Hold the back of your left thing and gently pull both legs toward you.
  • Stretch both feet and keep your left foot at knee height or even higher.

Hold for five to ten breaths before you switch sides.


Doing these exercises will help you calm your nerves down and release tension after all the things that happen to you in the day. You can add more calming and meditative exercises.


After completing these exercises, you are now ready to go to bed to enjoy your much needed and much-deserved sleep.


Stay healthy NYC!

Author: Blogger