If you’re struggling to attract customers online then this article on 8 organic Search Engine Optimization practices for your business is for you!


Appearing on the top results on search engines will give your business numerous advantages. It promotes the credibility of your brand and boosts your trustworthiness.

Thus, businesses that have websites must understand Search Engine Optimization (SEO). An organic SEO is a process of optimizing your website and HTML so your website will have a higher rank in searches.


8 Organic Search Engine Optimization Practices for Your Business


Search engines like Google and Bing change their algorithm from time to time, so do these 8 organic search engine optimization practices for your business will help to always keep you ranking 1st page!


1. Collect Words of Phrases your Target Audience will Probably Use


It would be best if you took the time to get to know your target audience and try to think in their shoes. What are the words and phrases (better known as keywords) they will use to look for your products or service?


It would be best if you input the words in an Excel file or a Google Sheet. This can help you organize and categorize the keywords more.


2. Do a Thorough and Diverse Keywords Research


This tip reminds you to do the science behind keyword research. Identifying some keywords that your audience might use is the first step, but you have to back it up with science.

You have to consider these three things: (1) monthly volume of searches, (2) keyword difficulty, and (3) competition.


You can use a Keyword Planner to check on the monthly volume of searches. If the keyword appears higher in monthly searches, then take note of it.


Keyword difficulty is another thing to consider. It tells you how difficult a particular keyword would rank. The problem is measured based on how high the number is. Take note of these keywords.


An ideal keyword means high searches and low difficulty. Once you have these keywords, then it’s time to look at your competition and observe how they are doing their strategies.


3. Understand Localized Keyword Search


Local searches are also an essential aspect of search engines. Most people looking for something would be close to them, so they would usually add a location. For example, if I’m looking for wedding planners in New York, I wouldn’t type in “wedding planners” only. I will include the city. For your business to fare well in this, make sure that you have listed your business on the Google My Business page.


4. Check Your Competition


As mentioned in #2, it’s good to check your competition as well. You can do this by using the keywords you’ve chosen and taken a look at the websites that will appear. You can check their website, click Control + F, and see how many times they use the keyword.


5. Build You Links


You can embed links on your website so you can redirect your clients to other relevant pages well. For instance, you cna use inbound links in keeping your viewers on your website by adding links to your blogpost or other landing pages like information of service pages. This helps the algorithm of search engines in discovering the page.


6. Start a Blog


Add blogs to your website because it helps a lot in organic search engine optimization. Aside from that, this is also where you can expand and share valuable information with your clients. Your website might have limited space, and you can elaborate things more on a blog. Blogs also allow you to insert your keyword a lot of times.


7. Track Your Rankings


This is very important because you have to see your progress. You’ve done your keyword research, optimized your website, started a blog. So now, it is essential to see if your efforts are paying off.


This can keep you on track, and this can be your gauge if your strategies are working or not.


8. Work with a trusted SEO Company


You can tap the help of an SEO Company and let them do the work for you. SEO is something you cannot do alone because it can be time-consuming. But placing your SEO strategy in competent hands can help you focus on other things that need your attention. It’s a win-win – you get to do other stuff while your business is continually climbing on top through SEO experts.


8 Organic Search Engine Optimization Practices for Your Business


If you follow this guide on 8 Organic Search Engine Optimization Practices for your business you will be on our way to getting 1st page rankings on the local search engines for your target market!

Author: Blogger