Short-form videos have been the trend for most internet users since the unexpected boom of TikTok, and it’s looking to stay.

Even YouTube found its way towards these short-form videos through YouTube Shorts. For this video, we’ll be discussing these 5 to 30-second videos and what ideas you can use to grow your audience.

1. Small Business Tips

Tips you often hear for small businesses like unboxings, before-and-after’s, and how-tos are the best for user engagement. If you’re a small business offering certain products and services, an unboxing of your product or a before-and-after of your service will show them the quality of what you can provide.

Even if you aren’t a business, these videos will still be hits in YouTube Shorts. Not only are they great marketing, but they’re also entertaining—a key ingredient to the soc med formula.

2. Day In The Life

The only challenge for this format is finding a way to make a whole day fit into a 30-second clip, but when done right, it’s effective.

A day in the life video will always be interesting to people. Man is a social creature, and it’s innate for them to be curious about the lives of others—especially if there’s something to be curious about.

3. Testimonials

Yes, they seem cliché and overused, but one of the reasons why testimonials were no longer effective is because of how dragging they were.

With YouTube Shorts as a format, a testimonial will be straight to the point and help provide clients concrete ideas of what they can expect from your business.

4. Secret Hacks

Secret Hacks is a format people have been debating against using in their channels. They can be discouraging for viewers that have wasted enough time, but they can still pique the interests of viewers when done right.

Just make sure you don’t know clickbait too much to lose potential viewers.

5. Fun Facts

Like Secret Hacks, people will always want to find interesting things. If you can provide that within 30 seconds and do it effectively, you’re guaranteed to grow your followers and increase brand awareness.

6. Trends

Like TikTok and other short-form videos, YouTube Shorts also follows an algorithm. Trends will always be present on social media platforms.

Whether they’re song choices, a remix of an old classic, a throwback, a voice-over, or a challenge, people are likely to watch something if they have some familiarity with it.

What do you think? Will you be trying out any of these soon? What technique have you already tried? Is it working? Let us know by commenting down below.

Author: Carol