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Simple Cheese and Potato Recipes

Here are some great Simple Cheese and Potato Recipes! What do you get when potatoes cross paths with cheese? Pure flavor and comfort in one...

Twitter Best Practices for Small Businesses

How can you maximize 160 characters? That’s the art of Twitter! Here are Twitter Best Practices for Small Businesses! Twitter is one of the most...

Maintain One’s Self while in a Relationship – 10 Steps

Have you ever felt like you have lost yourself while you are/were in a relationship? A feeling that, at some point, you don’t know who...

Ramen with a Twist – 6 New Recipes

Instant noodles are a staple for a lot of households both in the east and the west. Because of how cheap a pack of instant...

5 Signs You Need to Update Your Email Marketing

Email marketing is another digital marketing strategy that businesses can make use of to reach out to their target audience. With just a click of...

Resistance Bands Exercises for Your Arms

Quarantine is keeping us all inside, and what better time is it to improve your body than now? Working on your body helps with fighting...

10 LGBTQ Books by Black Writers We Need to Start Reading Now

10 LGBTQ Books by Black Writers: Reading books can bring us to places. It allows us to imagine things, and it also becomes one of...

Money Rules for People in a Romantic Relationship

Financial Problems have been identified as one of the main reasons for relationship breakdowns. Handling finances is an important aspect of a relationship because whether...

Take a Road Trip from NYC – Here are our Top 8 Picks!

Whether it be tomorrow or when the pandemic finally subsides, we all need a break. And sometimes, having quality alone time in your apartment isn’t...

Garden Soil – Build a Healthier Garden Foundation with these Steps

Garden Soil – Build a Healthier Garden! Gardening is a hobby that everyone can enjoy, young or old. Not only is it fun and quite...