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  • Dr Phil


Hands are for shaking, not tying

Do I have more faith in a spoonful of medicine then I do in the power that animates every cell in my body? BJ said...

I Believe

I believe that excellent good robust health is not merely the absence of disease, but his sense of vitality, purpose, and pizzazz!   I believe...

Start of the day

You know, sometimes it’s all I can do to rouse myself out of bed, have some coffee, brush and floss my teeth, comb my hair,...

An Artist and a Wizard

If I ever find myself at some kind of social event, party, gathering etc. and I get the Ubiquitous question… “What do you do?”  ...

Acupuncture and Adaptation

I’ve stated this many times and will continue to uphold the theory that at its inception, acupuncture and Chinese medicine was not meant to fix,...

Move a muscle change a thought

Move a muscle change a thought. Not the other way around! I was just thinking that in no other time of my life have I...

Distraction and Addiction

The Buddha one said “life is suffering“.   Geez, that’s a pretty grim outlook. Now, granted, that Indian prince was a pretty sagacious fellow, but...

THE cause of ALL illness

Hello all!   I know what I’m about to say may split the room down the middle, or may arouse antipathy and argument. And I’d...

Joy of Living

Joy of Living I feel compelled to launch into the first of what will be many blogs coming through the perspective of an acupuncturist.  ...